
If you dreamed about bees. Why do you dream about bees? Why do you dream about bees in a dream?

A swarm of these insects, according to dream books, promises profit and prosperity, however, there are details that the sleeper should pay attention to.

Analysis of all the little details and nuances of a dream can give an accurate prediction regarding the meaning of the vision for the future life. In this article we will focus on the main meanings of such a dream.

I dreamed about bees in a dream, what does it mean?

One of the best options- this is when bees or wasps are simply dreamed of as insects that the sleeper sees. Such a vision symbolizes peace and prosperity, sometimes love.

See hardworking insects- to inspiration in work.

A business man, a careerist dreamed- to a profitable successful transaction that will provide profit.

Parents of children should see this- to children's successes, or pleasant family news.

Big boss or director Seeing this portends hardworking subordinates who will work in an organized manner in the company for the benefit of a common work goal.

With honey, insects promise peace and prosperity to the family, and young couples are promised a baby will soon appear.

Great honey plant means the leadership abilities of the sleeping person, and if he is the boss in reality, then it means quick recognition of his merits and promotion.

Insects entangled in hair- to minor real troubles, in some interpretations - to treason.

I dreamed about insects flying from flower to flower, pollinating them - to prosperity thanks to the frugality and thrift of the sleeper.

See an insect sitting on a honeycomb overflowing with honey- a symbol that workers’ merits will be noticed and rewarded by management.

The gypsy dream book promises the sleeping person who had such a dream, a big profit; if at the same time in the vision the dreamer caught them - to victory over the enemy; and killing them means financial losses.

Freud's Dream Book associated such a dream for a woman with the appearance of a man in her life who will see her only as a sex partner.

Miller's Dream Book interprets such a vision to successful agreements and transactions.

Why do you dream about bees a lot?

When the dreamer I dream about bees, and there are a lot of them- this is a good sign that will bring success to a person in the future.

  1. I dreamed of many hardworking insects overhead- to a huge number of important urgent matters, the result of which will be serious profit.
  2. Moreover, if they buzz, then you should be more careful with your enemies; conflicts that break out can ruin the smooth and measured flow of affairs.

Why do you dream about a swarm of bees?

It is a good sign for a business person if he dreams of a swarm of bees. This vision promises solid prosperity, profit and business success. There are other important nuances:

  • dreamed of being chased by a swarm- to consistently good health;
  • parents see a swarm chasing their child– an excellent sign signaling the protection of the child by higher powers;
  • see a swarm flying out of the hive– to wealth or career advancement; an empty hive - to losses;
  • some dream books associate a swarm in a dream with the adoption of an orphan;
  • huge hive- to a generous reward for honest work.

I dreamed about bees that bite

Dream books know the answer to the question of what to expect if you dream of being bitten by bees. Often the sleeper has to not only see insects, but also feel their bite.

  1. Expect resentment from loved ones if you were bitten by a bee in a dream;
  2. Attacking insects portend health problems in reality;
  3. If in a dream the dreamer put his hand into a beehive, and a wasp or (bee) bit him on the hand - this is advice to refrain from financial waste; there is an unfavorable period ahead in a material sense;
  4. But to be bitten in the leg, according to the interpretations of the dream book, this is a very good omen; expect profit or unexpected joy.

Dreaming of a bee that stings

If bees sting you in a dream and the sleeper feels pain as if in reality from the sting, then this is a sign that he will be able to complete what he started. Such a dream also foreshadows a loss or insult inflicted by one of your friends. The location of the bite also matters:

  • stings on the lip– a signal to be more careful in your statements, you should not divulge secrets even to trusted people;
  • sting in the face, neck or head- to a difficult conversation with superiors with a reprimand to the sleeping person;
  • stings all over my body t – a signal to get started with what was planned, there’s no better time;
  • girls have such a dream promises to get pregnant.

If you dreamed in a house

  • In your own home A sleeping person dreams of bees in the house - to troubles.
  • If they bring honey into the house t - to the imminent appearance of a child in the family.
  • In the house they sit on the sleeping person- to love.

Why did the dead dream?

But a bad omen is a dream when you dream of dead bees.

  1. In a general sense this is– to loss of financial well-being, theft or deception;
  2. Kill them– to major problems and troubles;
  3. See how she stung and then died- to a strong enemy/competitor who can be defeated.

In general, bees are a good symbol. They promise a person profit and prosperity. Dream books will help you understand in more detail why bees dream.

  • In Vanga’s dream book, bees symbolize irresponsibility and self-interest. The clairvoyant is sure that insects from a dream suggest that these are the qualities that predominate in a person’s character. They need to be actively fought.
  • According to Miller, bees promise good luck and profitable deals related to money. For parents, a dream with these insects promises pride in their heirs.
  • The dream book of Nostradamus suggests that bees from a dream turn out to be harbingers of a large monetary win. The more insects there are around the sleeping person, the more impressive the jackpot he will win.

Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream/a lot

  • It happens that a swarm of bees flies over the head of the dreamer’s ill-wishers in a dream. This is a clear sign that the enemy will soon be defeated and will not have time to add problems to a person’s real life.
  • Did a huge number of insects fly in the apiary? You should boldly decide to change jobs, no matter how good and promising your current one may seem. A new place will bring a person not only great money, but also long-awaited moral satisfaction.
  • A large swarm in a hive portends real wealth to a person. Soon the sleeper will have a chance to get it easily.

Bees that bite and sting

Are bees biting a sleeping person in a dream? In reality, it’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings. This applies even to the closest friends, whom the dreamer endlessly trusts. Perhaps one of them wants to offend him. Another interpretation of such a plot foreshadows the loss of a job.

If you manage to remember the place where the sleeping person was stung by a bee, this point also needs to be taken into account when understanding the meaning of the dream:

  • in the neck - to gossip and rumors that ill-wishers will spread about a man or woman;
  • on the lips - on real life you need to carefully control your words, otherwise one extra phrase can provoke a serious conflict around the sleeper;
  • in person - a person will have an unpleasant conversation with parents or management at the workplace;
  • in your hand - you can expect big profits.

If the insect stings without pain and no traces of the collision remain on the dreamer’s body, then there is nothing to worry about. This only symbolizes that success and good luck await the person. When bitten I had to experience severe pain? In reality, you will have to work hard to cope with all the things you have started.

For representatives of the fair sex, a dream with a bee sting in the stomach or genitals promises a quick addition to the family. If an insect stings a girl painfully, pregnancy will be unwanted.

The sleeping person's body is completely covered by bees, but they do not sting? It's time to start implementing your plans immediately, because a very favorable period has come for this.

Dreamed about bees and honey, meaning

In a dream, bees and honey together are very favorable harbingers. If they appear right in the sleeping person’s house, it means that you can expect joyful changes soon. It is difficult to determine in advance which ones - it all depends on the desires of the dreamer himself. This could be the birth of a long-awaited heir, or the opportunity to make repairs or change the situation.

If insects carry honey, this is a hint for a man or woman that maximum results can be achieved by working as a team. For example, when planning a business, you don’t need to try to do everything yourself, but you can safely agree to work with partners, look for investors, etc.

Did you have to eat delicious sweet bee honey alone? Such a dream plot suggests that a person has sufficient life experience to independently make important and responsible decisions. He is smart, wise and does not need anyone's advice.

Dead bees

Dreams with dead bees in most cases promise trouble for a person.

Stories in which the sleeper himself kills insects have a particularly negative meaning. They indicate that a man or woman creates problems in real life with their own hands. You shouldn’t blame others for them; you need to reconsider your own behavior.

In a dream, a bee stung a sleeping person and died? So, on life path a strong competitor will appear, but in the end he will still be defeated.

If there were a lot of bees in the dream, then in the near future the dreamer should avoid making new acquaintances. You will also have to give up long trips and spend your evenings at home. Only in this way will you be able to protect yourself from possible troubles. The danger to the sleeper comes precisely from strangers.

Apiary and hives

If a girl watches work in the apiary from the outside, it means that soon a man, whose attention she could not even dream of, will offer to enter into an intimate relationship. Before agreeing, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Especially if the fair sex is legally married.

Did you dream of a very large apiary with large beehives? Such a plot promises the patient recovery. He will finally be able to find a suitable effective medicine.

The apiary in which the sleeper himself works dreams of a prosperous, “well-fed” life.

Why else do you dream about a bee - dream options

If a bee gets tangled in the dreamer's hair, he will soon be exposed as treason or his deception will be revealed.

This will lead to a large-scale, protracted conflict with loved ones.

An unrealistically large insect flying next to a sleeping person indicates that a person has the ability to control others. They should be used exclusively at work, but not in love relationships.

Has a bee become attached to a person and follows him everywhere in a dream? In real life, he will have to communicate or cooperate with an unpleasant and annoying person, towards whom mutual antipathy will arise. But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely avoid communication.

Why does a woman dream about bees:

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

Seeing bees in a dream means:

profit and wealth.

1 Bees according to Miller's dream book

Bees portend successful and profitable deals and agreements.

For an officer, this dream foretells obedient, disciplined subordinates and a healthy environment.

For a business person - an increase in trade turnover. For parents there are many joys that their children will bring them with their diligence.

If a bee stings, the dream foreshadows a loss or insult inflicted by one of your friends.

If you dream that a whole swarm of bees is chasing you, then this portends health. A dream in which a swarm is chasing your child is especially favorable.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Bees by Magic dream book

Bees in a dream means:

To see a dream about a Bee - success through numerous acquaintances. A swarm of bees is a successful performance in front of an audience. Bees bite - your reputation is at risk. For people who are engaged in trade, seeing a lot of bees means numerous buyers. Hearing the buzzing of bees means reliable profit.

1 Bees by Magic dream book

Bee dream meaning:

If a woman dreams of a swarm of bees, this indicates that in real life she will meet a person who will consider her only as a partner for sex. She doesn't interest him at all as a person. You will not enjoy communicating with such a person.

1 Bees according to the Online Dream Book

If you dreamed of bees, this indicates that your activities will help you get rich.

Being bitten by them is a bad sign; you will suffer from constant unresolved problems.

We saw them swarming - this suggests that you may be faced with the impracticability of your affairs.

According to the dream book, a bee that stings you promises you excellent health, and also indicates that you have serious spiritual work ahead of you, which will contribute to your self-improvement.

If there are a countless number of them, you work hard and hard enough, you will do something really grandiose, thanks to which you will achieve success and universal respect.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Bees according to the Online Dream Book

Bees are fierce love.

1 Bees by French dream book

Bees in a dream mean:

Dreaming about bees portends financial success.

If bees land on you in a dream, happy love awaits you.

Killing a bee in a dream means trouble.

1 Bees according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

Bees hovering over your head in a dream mean victory, triumph, success.

Anyone who sees in a dream that he is holding bees will receive joy from his wife and earn a living by honest work.

To see bees attacking - to an epidemic, pestilence; to kill a bee means to experience obstacles, hindrances.

A hive with bees - dreams of wealth, an empty hive - means receiving punishment without guilt.

If bees swarm in a dream, it means that the matter will not end in success; bees sting in the leg - to the joy associated with material gain, acquisition.

Bees are also a dream - a sign of bad weather.

Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream means accepting an orphan into a home; this dream can also mean the ruin of a family.

A young woman being stung by a bee means pregnancy.

Seeing a beehive in a dream means big profits, increased income or higher wages.

An apiary filled with buzzing and hard-working bees in a dream means that your work is more useful for others than for yourself.

Seeing an apiary in a dream or being in it means receiving good news by mail.

1 Bees by Romantic dream book

Why does a woman dream of bees:

  • Bee - loving people bee - dreams symbolize a strong and faithful family, a caring spouse and a happy union.
  • Beware of dreams in which you crushed a bee or someone else did it. You will probably discover that your loved one is cheating on you.
  • A lonely woman's dream of a swarm of bees predicts a depressed moral state due to the fact that her loved one will see in her only an object to satisfy intimate desires, but nothing more.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Bees by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman dream about bees:

Hard work, successful and profitable deals, agreements, growth of trade turnover. A stinging bee is an insult.

1 Bees by Esoteric dream book

Seeing bees in a dream means:

To measured, everyday work.

Stung - you can lose your job.

Apiary, beehive - your daily work will bring you joy and stable income.

1 Bees by Modern dream book

Bees in a dream in the dream book are interpreted as:

A dream about bees promises pleasant and profitable activities. For military personnel, such a dream promises executive subordinates and good health. For preachers - increase in flock. For business people, such a dream will bring great profits. Obedient children will bring great pleasure to parents.

If you dream that bees have bitten you, expect losses and troubles that those you trusted will bring you.

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Bees in a dream means:

Bees - dream of good luck. A dream in which a swarm of bees is chasing your child is especially favorable.

Bees in a dream promise profitable deals for entrepreneurs, a brilliant career in the military, growth in trade turnover and parental joys associated with the diligence and obedience of children.

Bee sting - warns that one of your friends will insult you.

1 Bees by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Bee dream meaning:

The soul of the righteous, the intercession of saints.

To see bees - danger from fire / inspiration / fire of purgatory, cleansing fire.

Hovering over your head - victory, triumph, success.

Attacking people - epidemic, pestilence.

Kill a bee - opposition, interference.

1 Bees by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

What does it mean if a woman dreams of bees:

To a responsible and fruitful job, which is also well paid.

Queen bee - a woman holding an important position will offend you.

Beeswax - do not show mercy at the right moment.

Bee venom - dream hint: for sciatica, an attack of radiculitis, treat with bee venom.

Bee swarming is a dangerous situation that requires your dexterity and diplomacy.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Bees by Indian shamanic dream book

What bees can dream about:

A lot of bees biting a person means that some kind of sorcerer is causing damage. It is necessary to turn to a strong shaman to take protective measures.

1 Bees by Islamic dream book on the Koran and Suna

Bees in a dream mean:

Bees represent fertility, wealth, benefit, benefit, power and high position, achieved with difficulty and perseverance. They also believe that if someone sees a bee in a dream, this foreshadows his communication in the near future with a famous doctor or scientist, for bees produce honey, and honey is medicine. Being stung by a bee in a dream means an imminent quarrel with someone, because of which you may suffer. Taking all their honey from bees and eating it means that you have appropriated someone else’s property.

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

If a girl dreams of bees, it means:

IN Ancient Egypt Bee hieroglyph - associated with government order, apparently because the bee symbolizes industriousness, productivity and cooperation.

IN Ancient Greece bees were considered a symbol of hard work and productivity. In the Delphic Oracle, souls were associated with bees, as they were believed to travel like a swarm of bees.

During the period of the dominance of the Romanesque style in Europe, bees symbolized hard work and efficiency. This symbol suggests that you should be more productive. Perhaps you feel offended by some remark?

1 Bees by English dream book

Why does a woman dream of bees:

Dream about bees - good dream. It promises good luck and changes for the better to everyone. This dream promises honor and respect to the rich, and long-awaited prosperity to the poor. For those who love, it promises a happy marriage and a large, friendly family in which children will take care of their elderly when they are weak and sick.

1 Bees by Dream book alphabetically

Seeing bees in a dream means:

Dreaming about bees portends unpleasant news if they circle over flowers.

Bees flying out of the hive promise big profits and the conclusion of successful contracts.

A bee stinging you in a dream means tears from an insult inflicted by a person in whom you dote.

A crushed bee is a sign of betrayal and betrayal.

Running away from a swarm of bees - your hopes will not come true; fumigating a swarm of bees - strengthen your health in reality.

1 Bees by Universal dream book

Interpretation of a dream about bees:

Is there a more inventive insect than the bee? After all, bees not only pollinate plants, but also collect honey and store it in the hive, where we later collect it.

Are bees threatening you in your dream or are you afraid that they will sting you? If you are allergic to bees, you may be seriously scared.

Do you admire the way bees work together and join forces to achieve results? - perhaps this dream reflects a situation in your life when greater readiness for collective work is required from you or someone else. It is also possible that you are just one of many and feel that your efforts are undervalued.

A bee can also be a sign that you want to take an active part in some activity or, conversely, that you do not want to be in a crowd. Perhaps such a dream could also mean that you want to be aware of what is happening, to know “where all the noise is coming from.”

1 Bees by Assyrian dream book

Interpretation of a dream about bees:

Bees - Bees carry rich symbolism despite their small size. In a positive sense, they represent a symbol of diligence, hard work and organization. On a less positive note, they can be seen as a symbol of conformity and stereotypical actions. Bees or honey in dreams have meanings contained in common metaphors, for example, “Work like a bee,” “Fly from flower to flower,” “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” Some people are afraid of bees because of their stings. Just as in other cases, the background and overall picture of the dream determine which interpretation is most acceptable.

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Bees in a dream predicts:

Good luck, increased trade turnover and parental joys associated with the diligence and obedience of children.

For entrepreneurs - profitable deals;

for the military - a brilliant career;

a swarm of bees is chasing your child - a favorable dream;

bee sting - one of your friends will insult you.

Also see Child.

1 Bees by Ukrainian dream book

Why do you dream about Bees?

Bees are fire.

If you dream that a swarm has flown out, there will be a fire, the house will burn down.

If you dream of a swarm of bees, it means death.

Bees, depending on what they covered - a fire or a dead thing.

1 Bees by ABC of dream interpretation

Symbolizes teamwork and hereditary traditions.

The beehive is a sign of prosperity due to the addition of personal and general efforts.

Being stung by a bee is a well-deserved punishment, cleansing from sin.

1 Bees by Daniel's medieval dream book

Seeing bees or birds in a dream and fighting with them foretells a fire or strife.

Seeing bees or birds and catching them is a sign of wealth.

Seeing bees promises protection and safety.

If someone sees that he is driving away bees, this is a loss.

And if he sees that he is killing bees, then this is also a loss.

Seeing bees flying means war.

Bees carrying honey in their mouths means achieving great benefits in old age.

If someone sees bees entering his house, this means the destruction of that person's house.

1 Bees by Russian dream book

Bees - winnings, profit; bee sting - loss and trouble.

1 Bees according to Aesop's Dream Book

It is no secret that the bee personifies hard work, efficiency, fussiness, diligence, frugality and economy. It is no coincidence that people say about a hardworking person “he works like a bee,” and many banks use the image of a bee in their logo as a symbol of the fact that this bank is profitable and the money invested in it will not only be saved, but will also bring high interest.

Perhaps the image of a bee arose in a dream - thanks to popular expressions deposited in your subconscious: “The bee is God’s servant” (this folk wisdom says that the bee delivers wax for candles) or “The bee stings only the sinner.” These expressions testify to the divinity of this insect, and therefore give it an aura of mystery and spirituality.

The image of a bee evoked in a dream may also be a consequence of the fact that in life you are a very vigilant person, who is not only difficult to deceive, but who can easily overcome all the obstacles that arise in his way. You may ask: How is human vigilance related to the bee? And the whole point is that, according to ancient belief, the bee is almost one of all creatures living on earth that never sleeps.

If you were stung by a bee in a dream, it is a sign that you are a very trusting person, and therefore you can be easily deceived. Be carefull. Sometimes such a dream means that your superiors will be dissatisfied with your work, and you will receive a reprimand or simply a reproach, but in any case, the mood after a conversation with management will be ruined.

Watching in a dream how a bee that has stung a person dies is evidence that you will soon meet with a very an evil person who harms himself with his anger.

Seeing a beehive in a dream means that, thanks to your hard work and the hard work of your companions, you will achieve a lot in life: a high position in society, great material resources and happiness in your personal life.

If you stick your hand inside a bee hive, in real life you should save to put some money aside for a rainy day.

Hearing the buzzing of a bee in a dream means that with diligence, you will be able to cope with even the most difficult task. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you should be more careful when communicating with work colleagues.

Watching bees pollinate flowers in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your frugality and thriftiness, you will be able to save some money and acquire what you have dreamed of for so long.

Seeing bees stinging a bear in a dream because he went into their hive for honey is a harbinger that in real life you will help one of your close friends to occupy a higher official position, for which he will be very grateful to you.

Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream is a serious act that will change the attitude of other people towards you. Perhaps such a dream promises painstaking, long-term work, which, however, will not be a burden to you.

If you dreamed that bees were attacking you, the people around you will condemn your actions.

If the bees fly by without noticing you at all, those around you will respect you for the action you perform.

If you dreamed of a bee flying from flower to flower, this means that a surge of efficiency, inspiration and ingenuity awaits you, the work will be in full swing in your hands, and you will be rewarded with the attention of your superiors and the respect of your colleagues.

Seeing a bee flying into a hive is a sign of household chores, perhaps a change of place of residence.

To see a dream in which a bee sits on a honeycomb with honey is a sign that your merits at work will be noted and rewarded financially.

1 Bees according to Dream Book 2012

Why do you dream about Bees?

A reflection of order and organization, hard work and efficiency. Reflection of caring and thriftiness (thriftiness).

1 Bees by Indian dream book

Seeing bees in a dream means profit for villagers, and loss for the rich. If someone dreams that bees brought honey to his house, this foretells greatness, eloquence and success in business.

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Bees - profit, productive activity.

A hive with honeycombs and honey is a long-awaited happiness as a result of long labors.

Stung - recovery.

On a flower - a very good sign of favor in everything, especially in creativity.

The buzzing swarm is a threat.

1 Bees by Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Bees – Bees fly around playing love games with each other. - The matter will not end in success. A bee sting pierces my leg. - There will be joy associated with the material gain of the acquisition.

1 Bees by Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Employment; production.

Social work.

Hidden sweetness.

Something has "stung" you.

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Why do you dream about Bees?

A hardworking insect, which, on the one hand, is dangerous with its sting, on the other hand, produces honey. The symbol indicates the effectiveness for the subject of a certain person, employee, friend, if he acts as a performer, and his ineffectiveness if the dreamer uses him as an adviser, companion or responsible person.

1 Bees according to the Mayan Dream Book

Good meaning: If you had a dream in bad weather, your health is now in perfect order. To avoid further problems with him, visit an apiary and eat honeycombs.

Bad meaning: If you had a dream in good weather, then get ready for heart problems. To avoid them, find and eat a bee.

1 Bees by Slavic dream book

To prosperity. Difficult work in a large Team and a subordinate position. 6th house of the horoscope and Virgo.

1 Bees according to Hasse's dream book

see - learn unpleasant news
catch - organize your affairs
being bitten is a small monetary gain
buzzing when working - wonderful hopes
to be stung - resistance
swarming - for cultivators - good year
for others - losses
killing - misfortune and disadvantages

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Productive work; a dead bee means loss of money and troubles.

1 Bees by Family dream book

Why do you dream about Bees?

A dream about bees portends successful and profitable deals. For a military man, this dream promises obedient, disciplined subordinates. For a business person - increased prosperity. Parents enjoy their children.

If you are stung by a bee in a dream, one of your friends may insult you.

A dream in which a whole swarm of bees chases you portends health.

1 Bees by Creative dream book

You dreamed of a Bee, what is this for? 1. As a symbol of something dangerous and at the same time tamed and beneficial, the meaning of bees in dreams can be ambivalent. Being stung by a bee is a warning about the possibility of unpleasant events. If a person is attacked by a whole swarm in a dream, it means that he himself creates a situation that can become completely uncontrollable. 2. Seeing a queen bee in a dream represents our need to feel or be better in some way. We may believe that others must obey us in our chosen path. It is also an understanding that you need to work hard and productively. 3. The bee symbolizes immortality, rebirth and order.

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Traditionally, bees were respected both for the sweet honey they produce and for being hard workers. To attract good luck, it was necessary to tell the bees about all the family news, the birth of children, marriages or deaths. Why do you have a dream: Are you working like a bee at work or at home? If the bee was resting, then perhaps you are working too hard and need to rest? Or are you acting like a queen bee, expecting others to do everything for you? Or maybe the bees mean news? Have you recently received good news about your family?

1 Bees by Christian dream book

Bees - Your hard work will be generously rewarded. Imagine that the bees are yours, you have a huge apiary. Imagine beehives and flowering meadows (see Apiary).

1 Bees by Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What do Bees mean in a dream - you will have new job, from which you will receive great pleasure and a substantial reward. Imagine a whole meadow of flowers. You walk along it on a warm summer day, enjoying the aromas, birdsong, and clean air. You see that many bees are circling over the flowers. Come closer and watch the bees collect nectar from the flowers. You understand that somewhere nearby there is an apiary. And indeed, your path leads you to many hives. They also stand in the middle of a flowering meadow. The beekeeper meets you and treats you with honey. Then he leads you to the hive, and you see bees swarming there.

1 Bees by Dream interpretation for a bitch

A very profitable deal is coming up.

A swarm of bees - good health, good mood.

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Bees - good, winning, profit / heavy thoughts, gossip, need, tears, snow, rain, misfortune, death, for worse, trouble, fire; if you catch it, you collect it - self-interest in the household; flying - blizzard, snow; hovering above your head - you will defeat the enemy; flying in the house - death; bite - get pregnant (for a girl) / die, fire; swarm - for a wedding / fire; swarm of bees - relatives, family increase / death; flew away from the hive - the family goes bankrupt, death, fire; sat in the hair - death; catching a swarm is profit; to catch is to defeat an enemy; kill a bee - harm, loss.

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

  • You see bees - the dream promises you material wealth; besides the fact that you will not need anything in the near future, you will be able to make provisions for the distant future; you will be able to maintain your dignity even in an ambiguous situation; your enemies know that you will defend your home and your business to the death, so they will not come close to you.
  • If you dream of a bee stinging you, you will create an unpleasant situation and suffer in it yourself.
  • Why do you dream of bees chasing you in a swarm - a dream guarantees you good health.

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • Bee - A business person dreams of a bee in his mouth, signifies an increase in trade turnover; to an officer - disciplined subordinates.
  • The parents dreamed of a bee - a lot of joy that children will bring.
  • Why dream that a bee wants to bite - a loss or an insult caused by one of your friends.
  • Why dream that a swarm of bees is chasing you - portends health.

1 Bees by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Bees - If a woman sees a swarm of bees in a dream, in reality you will be destined to meet a person who will initially see you only as a sex partner. This circumstance will greatly depress you, so you will not experience pleasure from communicating with this person.

Dreaming of a queen bee? The psychological interpretation of the image of a bee in a dream is that of tireless workers who devote themselves completely to their favorite work. If you dreamed of bees, you are overtired. This large amount of work has a detrimental effect on your health. Take a break for a few days, relax and put yourself and your well-being in order so as not to become extremely stressed.

Miller's Dream Book

Bees- portend successful and profitable deals and agreements. The officer has this dream- portends obedient, disciplined subordinates and a healthy environment.

For a business person- growth of trade turnover.

For parents- many joys that children will bring them with their diligence.

Apiary, beehive- your daily work will bring you joy and stable income.

Ukrainian dream book

Bees- fire.

If you dream that a swarm has flown out- there will be a fire, the house will burn down.

If you dream of a swarm of bees- to death.

Bees, depending on what they have covered- fire or dead.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Bees- winning.

Collection of dream books

Bees are flying- to joy.

Bees- winnings, profit; bee sting- losses and troubles.

See bees- the need to streamline your lifestyle; be stung by a bee- a possible hint for the patient in the treatment of bee stings and bee products; to unpleasant news that will shock you.

Bee- effective work; dead bee- to loss of money, to troubles.

Bees- profit, winnings as a result of a successful transaction.

Parents- joy from the success of children.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Many insects are a symbol of hard work, since they are able to constantly perform hard work and practically do not need rest. Seeing bees in a dream is a positive sign in most dream books. The interpretation of the dream, depending on the circumstances, will tell you whether it promises prosperity and health, or danger and loss of property. In addition to the details, what is important is which interpreter you consult with. In some dream books, the same image has different meanings.

Psychologists interpret the image in different ways. On the one hand, insects embody hard work.

This may indicate that you have taken on too much work lately. The result was overwork and stress. If you don't want to continue to feel anxious, take some time to relax. Even a few days that you spend away from your main activity will help bring your body back to normal.

On the other hand, bees are a symbol of what you are capable of in life. real world. No circumstances can break you; you will move towards your goal and overcome any obstacles. In addition, the image is associated with vigilance. You have developed intuition and strive to foresee any scenario.

Bees stung in a dream, what does this mean in a dream - it means that you are used to living with an inferiority complex. You easily succumb to provocations and deception, which is constantly taken advantage of by ill-wishers. This dream is also true if you were criticized by a leader who did not mince words.

People's dream book

The classical interpreter explains the appearance of an image in dreams as follows:

  • just seeing insects is a creative impulse;
  • for a businessman, a dream means that he will be able to sign a lucrative contract that will bring significant enrichment;
  • For family people, the dream promises harmony and peace;
  • if you see a bee with honey, it means that everything will be fine in your family. For newlyweds, such a vision promises the imminent birth of their first child;
  • If you dreamed that a bee got tangled in your hair, it means that you will face worries or will be cheated on;
  • if pursued by a swarm, you will not know disease;
  • see a large hive - you will receive a significant reward for your work;
  • an insect flying into a home warns of the death of the dreamer or a member of his family;
  • if it sits on honeycombs filled with honey, you will soon receive a big reward, your work will be appreciated by management;
  • Bees flying from inflorescence to inflorescence signal the achievement of financial well-being. This will happen sooner or later, because you know how to save and save;
  • kill a bee - you will face serious losses, possibly poverty.

Freud's Dream Book

The psychoanalyst believed that for a woman to see a swarm of bees in a dream means that in reality she will meet a new partner. However, he will not take your relationship seriously, since he has only one goal - to become intimate with you.

If you dreamed that you were stung, this is a sign of an upcoming sexual relationship. Freud associated the image of an insect with the male genital organ, so contact with it usually indicates intimacy of an intimate nature.

The psychoanalyst believed that for a representative of the stronger sex to see that another man was bitten is a symbol of the fact that he strives for a homosexual relationship. This vision will tell a woman that she is afraid of unprotected sex due to possible pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

A dead bee represents the inability to participate in love. It is associated with impotence or frigidity for women. I dreamed of a beehive - the dreamer is used to leading a busy personal life and likes to change partners often.

Miller's Dream Book

This dream book says that bees are good luck. For Miller, the image is associated with success in business projects. If a dream appears to a person who occupies a leadership position, then this predicts that he will have no problems with his subordinates. You will be an authority for them, so they will follow your instructions without hesitation.

For a person running a business, night vision promises increased profits and new contracts. Parents are promised good behavior of their offspring and the joy they will bring.

Miller's dream book regards a bee that stings a person as a bad sign. This signals an impending insult or the loss of something important. Most likely, you have secret enemies who are preparing to strike a serious blow. If you dreamed that insects were biting someone else, you will win a fight with the enemy. To see a lot of bees chasing you in a dream means you will live a long time and will not encounter serious illnesses.

Vanga's Dream Book

The clairvoyant believed that this image personified the bad qualities of people. He can talk about greed, the desire to slander others or cause harm to them. Vanga gave the following explanations for his appearance:

  • bees bite in a dream, why do you dream about this - in reality someone will spread unpleasant rumors about you or your loved ones. It is also a sign that you are not satisfied with what you have;
  • feel like you are being attacked by a whole swarm - in reality, beware of enemies. Some of them may interfere with the implementation of the plan;
  • if after being stung you killed a bee, this means an upcoming fight with a serious opponent;
  • dreamed of a beehive - you need to leave negative events in the past, since they interfere with enjoying life;
  • insects make honey - things will go well, a career advancement is possible;
  • sitting on a flower - you can find support from a loved one who will never betray;
  • killing a bee is a bad sign. The dream warns that you will part with a loved one;
  • catching it means good luck in all your endeavors.

Loff's Dream Book

In Loff's interpreter, the image has many meanings. The main thing is hard work, which is the main quality of the dreamer. If in a vision you crush an insect, beware of serious illnesses. Seeing bees and honey that you eat in a dream - in reality you are trying to shift your responsibilities to someone else. For a woman, a dream suggests that it is time to rest.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

In the interpretation of the great predictor, the image symbolizes some kind of winning or making a profit in another way. The more bees you see, the more money you can get. If you dreamed that you were being stung, beware of the serious danger that threatens you or your loved ones.

If you dream that insects are flying somewhere, the weather will change for the worse. If they swarm, it means that a family celebration (possibly a wedding) will soon take place in reality. To see that a swarm is covering a person or a home is a sign of misfortune that will happen to them. Only if you pacify him will you receive a significant profit.

Seeing a crowded hive is a sign of numerous difficulties. If there is a lot of honey in it, there will always be prosperity in your home. Bees move strangely - you will not be able to correct the situation and will face poverty.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

For an esotericist, the image is also associated with receiving monetary rewards. Tsvetkov does not specify exactly how a person will gain wealth, but says that the dreamer will have to make a lot of effort to obtain it.

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