
additional capitalization. What is the capitalization of a contribution: we analyze it with an example. Is it possible to entrust the disposal of the deposit to a relative

Every modern person is faced with banking services. Lending, issuing cards for receiving payments and calculating wages are common. Deposits are no less in demand - providing the bank with personal funds for storage at a certain percentage. This format of cooperation provides a unique opportunity to gradually increase the size of your capital. Considering the proposals of financial institutions, it is worth considering the question of which of them is the most profitable. This is where you can not do without such a thing as capitalization. This is compound interest, which we will discuss in more detail below.

What is capitalization?

Capitalization of savings is a quarterly or monthly increase in the deposit by adding interest on the deposit to the account, which are charged by the financial institution in accordance with the terms of the agreement. This scheme provides for an intensive increase in capital, since each next percentage is calculated not on the primary capital, but on the capital to which interest has already been added. As a result, the category of deposits turns out to be more profitable than the one in accordance with which payments to clients are made monthly. A feature of the product is that the capitalization rate is an order of magnitude lower than that available under standard deposit programs. The specificity of the partnership is based on the desire of a financial institution to protect itself from losses.

Who is interest capitalization suitable for?

Capitalization is the calculation of interest on interest. It is not so difficult to assess the profitability of the proposal, but this format of partnership will not suit everyone. There is a category of people who make deposits in order to create an additional source of income for themselves. For them, monthly payments are a prerequisite for partnership. It makes no sense to consider capitalization in their situation. Another thing is when the main purpose of opening a deposit is to increase capital. Capitalization is exactly the service that will allow you to accumulate funds several times faster. A universal partnership format here will be a deposit program not only with capitalization, but also with the possibility of replenishing the account. Most programs provide for the possibility of replenishing the deposit by an amount not exceeding the initial contribution. The calculation of interest on interest will be beneficial only for a certain category of customers and practically useless for another.

Compound interest formula

The capitalization of an account, both replenished and not replenished, is a systematic calculation of interest on interest. Compound interest is calculated using a specialized formula:

SUM = SUM0 * (1 + %)*N

  • SUM - the total amount of the deposit.
  • SUM0 - the amount of the primary deposit.
  • N is the number of capitalization periods.
  • % - interest rate, identical for each of the periods of capitalization.

To calculate the interest rate, it is customary to use a completely different formula:

  • P - annual rate divided by 100%;
  • d - period of capitalization;
  • y is the number of days or months in a year.

The formula is relevant regardless of the additional conditions of the deposit agreement, in particular, the possibility of replenishing the account.

How to calculate compound interest and what is the help of bank employees?

If earlier the capitalization rate and the final amount of the deposit were calculated using a specialized formula, today a special deposit calculator can be used to determine the final amount of the deposit. This is a special program that is ready to show the profitability of a particular banking product in a matter of seconds. All that is required from the client of a financial institution is to fill in the appropriate fields: the amount of the initial deposit, the term of partnership with the bank, the interest rate. It is important to clarify with the employees of the financial institution whether interest is calculated on the first and last days partnerships. This may have an impact on the final result, albeit insignificant. Settlement of the deposit, which provides for market capitalization, can be carried out by a bank employee. A representative of a financial institution has the right to make settlements. As for informing about the most profitable banking product, it is prohibited. The potential client must make their own decision.

How to get the maximum benefit from the investment?

Capitalization is the accrual of compound interest on a deposit, a service that allows you to get the maximum benefit from a partnership with a bank. For maximum profit, experts recommend placing a large amount of funds in a bank account for a period of at least one year. Deposits issued for shorter periods of time do not bring significant income. The optimal investment is considered to be at least 100 thousand rubles. For clarity, you can compare two deposits for the specified amount with a rate of 11 percent with and without capitalization. At the end of the standard deposit agreement, the bank's client will receive 111,042 rubles in his hands, the program with capitalization will bring 111,585 rubles. Insignificant at first glance, the difference will increase as the share capital grows and as the partnership with the bank is extended.

In what currency to open a deposit?

Interest capitalization (what it is, mentioned above) does not limit the opening of a deposit in any of the currencies of the world. In which monetary unit open an account, will depend only on the purpose of the partnership with the bank of each individual. Many experts recommend making deposits in the currency in which spending will be made in the future. On the other hand, given the unstable economic situation in the country, it is worth considering partnership programs in dollars and deposits in euros. In any situation, the opinions of experts remain the opinions of experts, and the potential client of the bank must make his own decision.

What is market capitalization?

Market capitalization is a comprehensive assessment of the economic value of all shares of an enterprise that are open for official trading on the stock exchange. From a formal point of view, the concept is a combination of three parameters at the same time:

  • Net assets of the company, which are the property of the owners of the enterprise after full satisfaction of obligations to third parties.
  • Management and technological culture of the company in terms of building a business, communications and reputation.
  • Stable and rush expectations of investors in terms of investment or speculative attractiveness valuable papers enterprises as a commodity on the stock exchange.

Profit capitalization method in management

In financial management, various operations for the capitalization of income are common. We can talk about the following areas:

  • Capitalization of net income, including the transfer of part of the funds for the development of production.
  • Capitalization of value or net cash flow from investment. There is a redirection of funds for reinvestment.
  • Interest capitalization. What is it, discussed above.
  • Capitalization of dividends, which occurs due to dividend payments presented in the format of new shares of the company.

The profit capitalization method acts as an income approach to business valuation. It is based on the basic premise that part of the ownership in the company corresponds to the actual amount of priority profit that the enterprise will bring in the future. Market capitalization is organized on the basis of the described methods only in the case when there is a sufficiently large amount of information on the assessment of profitability. You can define the concept as the retraining of cash flow into value by dividing or multiplying the calculated indicator of the profit flow by a coefficient or a multiplier.

Some people think that the only important criterion for choosing a bank deposit is the interest rate. But this is not entirely true, the interest rate is certainly an important factor, but do not forget about other parameters.

Today we will talk about the capitalization of interest. What is it, and why is it so important and good? Any mathematician or financier will tell you that capitalization is a compound interest, which is calculated by the formula:

P= N*(1+(Y* J/100* T)) BUT, where

    - the initial amount of the deposit;
    — the total amount of the deposit;
    — annual interest rate;
    — the number of days in the capitalization period;
    - the number of days in a year (365 or 366);
    — the number of capitalization processes;

Don't be afraid, it's better to immediately send such a financier or mathematician to the bathhouse and hide the formula away ... We translate into Russian. Capitalization of the deposit- this is, just, the automatic addition of the amount of interest to the deposit. Thus, in the next period, interest will already be accrued on the deposit amount +% for the previous period. And so on until, in fact, your contribution is over.

Let's say you opened a deposit on June 1 for 1 year with a monthly capitalization. On July 1, the interest for the month of June will be added to the main deposit, and on August 1, interest will already be accrued on the amount of the deposit and the amount of interest for June, and so on.

I think it is obvious that the more often capitalization occurs, the more profitable it is. Accordingly, if the capitalization is monthly, then this quite significantly increases effective interest rate by deposit. And if you have capitalization once a quarter or once every six months, then this will practically not affect the interest rate on the deposit. And this is just an advertising move by the bank to confidently tell the future depositor that the deposit is with capitalization, in the hope that he will not specify the period of this very capitalization, but simply, having heard the right word, will open such a deposit without hesitation.

To estimate the difference in the expected income from two deposits with the same annual interest rate, but with a different interest accrual procedure, we will use the service fincalculator.ru. Let's say we opened 2 deposits in the amount of 500,000 rubles at 18% per annum, in one, interest is accrued at the end of the term, and in the other there is a monthly capitalization. We fill in the initial data in the financial calculator (read more about its capabilities in the article "") and get the following results at the end of the deposit period:

On a deposit without capitalization, after a year, we got the amount of 590,246.58 rubles;

On a deposit with monthly capitalization after the same period, we have a total amount of 597,589.76 rubles;

Feel the difference... In other words, the effective interest rate on the first deposit was 18%, but on the second, given that the amount on which these 18% per annum was accrued was constantly increasing, the effective interest rate was 18.75%.

The article will consider the process of capitalization of a deposit, the advantages and disadvantages using the example of the work of the most popular bank in Russia, Sberbank, and also talk in detail about what it is in general and how to open an account with interest capitalization correctly.

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What is capitalization in Sberbank?

Capitalization is the accrual of interest on the available amount on the deposit, followed by the addition of the accrued funds to the total deposit.

In other words, capitalization is understood as the multiplication of one's equity. The capital lies in the bank on a deposit at interest. They are charged every month or other period specified in the contract.

The amount of accrual depends on the amount of the deposit. Further, the amount accrued from above is added to the deposit - interest is also accrued on the funds received.

Note! It is important to distinguish the capitalization procedure from a simple investment of money. For example, a person put 100 thousand rubles into the account for six months at 10% per annum. In six months, he can already withdraw 105 thousand rubles. During capitalization (say, monthly), interest is calculated with the same indicators as follows: for the first month, 833 rubles will be accrued. Further, for the second month, the amount of the deposit will no longer be 100 thousand rubles, but 100,833 rubles.

At the moment, Sberbank offers 2 options for calculating interest on the treasure. The first option is the transfer of accrued interest to the specified account. The second option is capitalization of accrued interest every month.

Features of capitalization in Sberbank

Among the features of capitalization in Sberbank are the provision of a huge number of programs, as well as the opportunity to start earning passive income even if you have 1 thousand rubles.

The bank offers several options for the terms of capitalization, as well as certain conditions for citizens. Yes, you can find profitable deposits with the ability to save or manage funds.

Like any other procedure, capitalization has advantages and disadvantages.

Among the positive aspects of the process from Sberbank are:

  • availability and ease of payment- you can find an online calculator and independently calculate the capitalization of funds according to the specified conditions;
  • provides a full reflection of the situation– the total of completed transactions, credits and transfers;
  • the possibility of "cashing out" accrued interest- if the client chooses a service with the ability to independently manage the account, he can transfer the accrued funds to the account to pay for any payment;
  • a wide choice of programs.

Despite the advantages, there are also disadvantages, among which are:

  • inability to use the accrued funds- it all depends on the choice of the program;
  • small percentage of profit- for the presented procedure, Sberbank cannot offer more;
  • bank closure risks- if the license is suddenly taken away from the bank, the allowances will not be taken into account when returning the funds (with Sberbank, the risks of taking the license away are currently reduced to zero).

Note! As a result, it turns out that you can earn on capitalization only by using a large amount of money for a deposit. In addition, you will have to forget about the availability of money on the deposit, because with regular withdrawals of interest, you will not be able to earn money.


To start earning passive income, you only need to put money on a deposit. It is better to forget about them for a certain period - this is one of the conditions of Sberbank, which is determined by the period of the chosen capitalization program (for a month, for 3 months, for a year).

There are no other conditions - anyone who decides to save the accumulated funds can become a client of the bank and use the program.

But when concluding a contract, you should pay attention to the little things:

  • study the terms of capitalization and their crediting to the main account- the bank can charge interest every month, but only once, for example, in 3 or 6 months, credit the surcharge to the main account;
  • the contract may also indicate the fact of the possibility of change percent capitalization unilaterally - in this case, the depositor is simply notified by sending a message to a mobile phone;
  • various hidden commissions can be deducted from interest or deposits– mobile bank payment and other services that follow from the signed agreement.

Pay attention to all the conditions of the selected program, carefully read each item of the contract proposed for signing. This will help to avoid the risk of lower accrued interest.

Types of capitalization

All capitalization programs in banks are divided into the following types:

  • monthly - means that interest on the available amount on the deposit is accrued every month;
  • quarterly - accrual is carried out every 3 months;
  • annual - the program is more similar to a regular deposit, since bonuses are credited only at the end of the year;
  • contractual or urgent - the terms for calculating interest on the deposit under the conditions of the capitalization program are set individually.

Contractual or term capitalization may provide the possibility of accruing interest every day, week, six months and other options.

What types of capitalization does Sberbank offer?

As mentioned above, Sberbank currently offers two options for crediting funds that are interest. Each of them should be disassembled.

The first option represents a monthly transfer of interest on the deposit to the selected account. For example, a client in Sberbank has a mortgage or credit debt.

If he does not want to pay them ahead of schedule, he can put money on a deposit for capitalization and indicate a desire to transfer interest on account of a debt to the bank.

This is beneficial if you have a large amount and a small loan debt - often the interest can cover the amount of the monthly payment. You can also open a separate account where interest will be credited.

At a certain time, they can go back to the deposit and be added to the principal amount. But the depositor can also withdraw interest from a separate account for his needs.

The second option is the monthly interest capitalization. In this case, the accrued interest will be automatically added to the principal amount, which is also subsequently calculated.

The above example of capitalization reflects the presented option in full.

Options for deposits for capitalization

Sberbank currently has 5 capitalization programs with distinctive conditions and opportunities.

To accurately display the features, a table should be given:

Programs Residual minimum Capitalization period Interest on deposit, % Replenishment Partial withdrawal
Poste restante Unlimited 0.01 per year, with quarterly capitalization Allowed at any time Allowed up to a minimum deposit amount
Universal 10 rubles, 5 US dollars or 5 Euro Up to 5 years 0.01 per year with quarterly interest and unlimited rollovers Allowed at any time Not allowed
Save Online From 1 year to 3 years From 4.05 to 5.63 in Russian rubles, from 0.10 to 1.35 in US dollars, from 0.01 in euros with monthly accrual Not allowed Not allowed
Drive Online 30,000 rubles, 1,000 US dollars, 1,000 euros From 3 months to 3 years From 3.25 to 4.82 in Russian rubles, from 0.15 to 0.80 in US dollars, 0.01 in euros with monthly interest Allowed from 1000 in rubles, from 100 US dollars, from 100 euros Allowed with the possibility of transferring to another account
Top up Online@yn 1000 rubles, 100 US dollars, 100 euros From 1 year to 3 years From 3.25 to 4.82 in Russian rubles, from 0.15 to 0.80 in US dollars, 0.01 in euros with interest accrued every month Allowed without restrictions Not allowed

Sberbank also has other cash capitalization programs. When choosing them, it is only important to pay attention to the conditions and opportunities.

Note! Sberbank offers capitalization without a deposit. To do this, it is enough to open a deposit card, to which funds will be credited in the future. The program is a standard and familiar "home piggy bank", only in this case, interest is additionally charged on it. Income depends on the money deposited on the card.

Methods for making a deposit

You can create your own deposit for interest capitalization in two ways - contact Sberbank in person or send an application via the Internet.

To implement the first method of opening a deposit, perform the following steps:

  1. Study the offers of the bank on the official website. Choose an interesting and profitable for yourself.
  2. Contact the bank. At the office, you must wait in line to open a deposit. Next, contact the employee with a request to open the deposit you have chosen. A full consultation can be obtained here on the spot.
  3. Fill out the application offered by the bank employee. The application shall indicate the deposit amount and personal data.
  4. The employee accepts funds from the depositor, drawing up a contract. The parties sign the documents, having carefully studied and discussed the conditions.

To apply for opening a deposit for interest capitalization, you must provide the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a certificate from the Federal Migration Service on registration in the absence of a permanent residence permit;
  • SNILS;
  • application, which is provided on the spot.

To open a deposit without leaving your home, you need to go to your SberbankOnline Personal Account.

  1. Open the "Deposits and Accounts" tab.
  2. Choose an interesting and convenient type of deposit.
  3. Click "Continue" and fill out the form that opens - this is an electronic version of the application, in which, as in the first method, personal data is indicated.
  4. Check the entered data again and click the "Open" button.
  5. Agree to the terms again by ticking the appropriate box.
  6. Next, the data of the open account will be presented, which can be checked as needed.

To open a deposit online, you will need the same documents as when you apply in person. Only in this case you will have to enter personal information yourself.

Profitability of a deposit in Sberbank

The profitability of a deposit with Sberbank largely depends on the amount of the deposit and the period of capitalization. For example, the Save Online program has the following percentage determination system.

The Sberbank website has a description of the conditions of each program with a calculator for personal calculations.

The calculator is used in the following sequence:

  1. Select deposit currency.
  2. Select estimated capitalization dates.
  3. Specify the storage period in days and the amount.
  4. Select the conditions "capitalization", "the possibility of early closure".
  5. Specify whether the contributor is retired.

Capitalization without contribution

As mentioned above, Sberbank offers an interesting capitalization program without a contribution.

It consists of the following factors:

  • A bank client opens a debit card under the selected program. It is empty, but ready to accept funds from the depositor.
  • Each time the holder has the opportunity to save money, he simply puts it on the card.
  • Next, you need to wait a certain time so that interest is accrued on the residual amount on the card.
  • Interest can be withdrawn or left for further capitalization.

A debit card is not a deposit, therefore, in the event of a crisis in the country or simply if necessary, the holder always has the opportunity to withdraw money.

He does not have to apply to the bank with an application, all calculations are carried out automatically. The account status is tracked in the Personal Account of Sberbank.

Note! At debit cards there is a condition on the obligatory minimum balance on the account. Also, each card requires a service fee, which depends on the amount of interest accrued. All expenses for paying the mobile bank (and it is necessary to inform the settlements with the main amount) are charged from the amount on the card, which is subject to capitalization. To save on expenses, it is recommended to choose cards with average conditions - then you can make good money on a deposit.

Capitalization of the pension card deposit

Today, pensioners are given the opportunity to receive a pension on a Sberbank card and take advantage of the capitalization program.

To do this, pensioners choose one of the proposals:

  • The first proposal is the issuance of a pension card of the "Social" type.
  • The second is the use of a savings book and the Pension Plus deposit capitalization program. Both methods differ in conditions.

The Pension Plus deposit capitalization program is interesting. If a pensioner concludes an agreement with a bank, his pension will be automatically transferred to the deposit and increased.

Here there is a minimum amount that cannot be withdrawn - 1 ruble, while the rest of the money is used as needed. The remaining amount on the deposit is charged at 3.5% per annum.

If the pensioner withdraws the principal amount, interest is retained on the deposit, but without capitalization condition.

The only negative in the matter is the constant appeal to the bank to withdraw funds. And this is a simple queue and a waste of time.

By social card

If pensioners know how to use ATMs, they can apply for a social card. Its advantage lies in the ability to use it every time without problems if necessary.

Otherwise, there are disadvantages:

  • continuous use of the card leads to the neutralization of the capitalization program;
  • the card requires additional maintenance, and these are additional expenses;
  • if you withdraw the entire accumulated amount at an ATM from the card, you will have to pay interest.

Otherwise, the social card does not differ from the pension deposit. The same rates and conditions apply here.

Popular questions

Can I open a deposit for all family members?

No, the deposit is opened only for one person.

How many deposits can be opened per person?

The quantity doesn't matter.

Are there benefits for retirees?

For all of these programs, pensioners are provided with the maximum percentage calculated for a certain period, regardless of the amount.

Is it possible to increase the interest rate during the term of the deposit?

Yes, but only if it is stipulated by the contract.

When can I withdraw accruals and how to do it?

The periods for withdrawal are specified in the agreement on the basis of the formed conditions for the deposit. It is allowed to withdraw them in any convenient way - contact the Sberbank office or use a transfer from an account to a card through the official website.

Can foreign citizens open a deposit, and what is required for this?

Foreign citizens can apply for opening a deposit, taking into account the provision of a passport of their country, a migration card and a residence permit in Russia.

Is it possible to entrust the disposal of the deposit to a relative?

Yes, but only on the basis of a power of attorney.

Can I bequeath money from a deposit?

Yes, you can write a will at the bank office.

Will I have to pay taxes on my income?

No, from January 1, 2009, in accordance with the Tax Code, the depositor is exempt from paying taxes on the accrual received.

If the expiration date of the deposit ends on a non-working day, what should I do?

For withdrawal of funds or other actions, you should contact the next day after the holiday.

Take action!

If you still have not decided to capitalize the funds available in a glass jar, you must bring step by step instructions all actions to exaggerate the amount of money:

  1. Select a bank. It is not necessary to stop at Sberbank, there are many other financial and credit institutions. But when choosing, you should not pay attention only to percentages - pay attention to the history of the company, the availability of a license and feedback from investors. You should not choose banks that have been operating for no more than 2-3 years.
  2. Check out all investment offers. Choose the most convenient and profitable option for yourself.
  3. Calculate profit. In fact, you can use a special formula. But every bank website offers a calculator, into which it is enough to drive only the data you know and your own wishes. For example, indicate the amount of the future contribution and the desired capitalization period. The calculator will automatically select the appropriate program and calculate the profit. A detailed rollover and capitalization schedule is also provided.
  4. Compare your results. To do this, drive in a few conditions - change the renewal period, change the deposit currency, amount, etc. Each time a new value will be obtained - select the profitable one from the calculated ones.
  5. Go to the bank to draw up an agreement or use the services on the official website.

The capitalization of a deposit is not only making a profit, but also saving money, which at the moment there is nothing to spend on (it happens sometimes).

Thus, you can save up for an expensive purchase, which may lose value during the term of the deposit, and the depositor will be left with a benefit in his hands.

January 2019

Deposit investments of free funds are one of the most popular options for consumer savings of the population's monetary assets. In order for material resources not only to be kept at home, but to work for profit, they are placed in one of the financial institutions with the condition of receiving interest. So a person protects his money from depreciation. One of the main characteristics of such an investment is the capitalization of the deposit. What is this concept, what are the conditions and principle of operation of this type of deposits - today's material is about this.

What is a deposit with interest capitalization?

A bank deposit with capitalization is the growth of the initially pledged mass of monetary assets by the amount of interest accrued on this amount. At the same time, each subsequent period of time, profit is accrued only on the initially invested amount - the body of the deposit. After the period of validity of such an investment, regulated by the deposit agreement, loses its relevance, the bank transfers both the body of the deposit and the profit received on it to the user's current account.

Often one of the points of such an agreement is the possibility of its prolongation in automatic mode. In practice, it looks like this - the company, if the client does not come to the institution a day before the end of the agreement, automatically extends the validity of the document for the same period that was prescribed in the original source, and interest rates for the new reporting period will be added to the investment amount.

The term of a deposit with interest capitalization is understood as the addition to the base value of the deposit of the interest received on it, accrued on the basis of the rates specified in the agreement. The calculation of profit for each subsequent period should be accrued on the already increased amount of the deposit. Therefore, the principle of so-called complex rates is used - this is what enables the bank's client to receive a stable and regular fixed profit.

Note! Before signing such an agreement, experts recommend that you carefully read the contractual terms - very often companies offer a lower rate on such deposits, which negatively affects the overall income.

How profitable this or that deposit investment can be is determined by two factors:

  • percentage difference;
  • frequency of capitalization.

If everything is more or less clear with percentages, then with frequency the situation is somewhat more complicated. As a rule, banks offer their depositors the least profitable offers of all possible, without explaining the whole essence of earning income. In order to extract the maximum possible profit from the free cash assets invested in the deposit, you should study all the clauses of the agreement for the frequency of the procedure. The frequency of capitalization must be specified in the document. It could be:

  1. Annual. It is used quite rarely by domestic financial institutions - mainly when it comes to long-term investments (for several years).
  2. Quarterly. Interest income is calculated and added to the body of the deposit every three months. In comparison with the first option, such an investment program is more profitable in material terms.
  3. Monthly. Interest is accrued on the initial capital at the end of each month for the entire duration of the contract. This is the most common income principle. Most deposits work exactly according to this scheme. From the point of view of customers, it is more transparent and allows you to see regular profits.
  4. Daily. Such accrual of interest is the most profitable way, but Russian financial institutions do not use it.

This investment option is interesting for those clients who have only one goal - to extract the maximum possible profit from free funds. However, it is more correct to evaluate the profitability based on the value of the rate. And, unfortunately, it is often the product of well-conducted marketing and in practice can be an order of magnitude lower than a regular deposit without its periodic capitalization.

Formula for calculating a deposit with interest capitalization

To understand how profitable this or that method of investment is, you can make calculations using the interest capitalization formula. This is not difficult to do - you can determine the final amount of the contribution using the following formula. It looks and decrypts like this:

S=K×(1+((T×R)÷(100×M))n, where:

  • S - the total amount of the deposit, which will be accrued at the end of the validity period of the deposit agreement;
  • K - base body financial assets;
  • T - the number of days for which interest is calculated before capitalization;
  • R - interest per year;
  • M - number of days in a year (365 or 366);
  • n - the number of accrual periods (for example, for quarterly capitalization, this indicator will be equal to 4, for monthly - 12).

From the above calculation formula, one can easily understand that the more often capitalization occurs, the greater the income part of the deposit will be.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bank deposit with capitalization

A potential investor, before making a deposit under this scheme, is interested in what are the main pros and cons of bank deposits with interest capitalization?

The undoubted advantages of such investments can be considered:

  1. Higher profit on the body of the contribution under equal contractual conditions. In this case, almost always, even a relatively small percentage nominal value consistently provides a high profit margin. In economics, this is called the "effective rate".
  2. Time resource saving. The procedure is carried out by an employee of the institution in automatic mode and does not require any actions from the client. For example, a standard deposit with the possibility of replenishment also allows all accrued interest to be fully redirected to capitalization. However, in this case, the depositor must personally come to the bank branch, sign the appropriate agreement, deposit money in cash through the cash desk or write an application for debiting funds from a personal account. In addition, there is such a thing as limiting the maximum allowable threshold for this replenishment option.

Now for the negatives:

  1. In most cases, the maximum possible interest rate is always slightly lower than the standard principle of making deposits. This rule is especially relevant for share withdrawal of income at the first stages of the agreement, if such an option is stipulated by the terms of the agreement. In such a situation, a standard deposit will be more profitable.
  2. This principle of investing free assets is categorically not suitable for those investors who always want to be able to withdraw a small amount from the profitable part in order to receive finance for cash expenses. The actual accrual and payment of income at the effective rate will occur only upon the completion of the term of the deposit agreement.

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Company capitalization, business capitalization, market capitalization… Everywhere there is some kind of capitalism and some kind of capitalization. What is this, this capitalization? Let's try to figure it out quickly and efficiently.

"People would get rid of half their troubles,

if we could agree on the meaning of the words"

Rene Descartes

The term "capitalization" is mainly used in the following business areas. First, in the banking sector - people often say "deposit capitalization", "interest capitalization". In terms of the banking business, capitalization of interest or capitalization of a deposit means the summation of interest accumulated on a deposit over a certain period of time with the total amount of the deposit at the end of this period (for example, a month or a year). Then the next interest will already be calculated and accrued based on the new increased deposit amount. It turns out a kind of "ladder", and the yield on the deposit begins to grow at an accelerated pace.

But in fact, we are more interested in the term capitalization from the point of view of any real business, for example, a retail chain of stores. When people say the capitalization of a business or the capitalization of a company, they put a completely different meaning into this concept.

Capitalization of a company or business called its market value. That's why it's also common to hear people say "company's market capitalization." As you can see, everything is quite simple.

Why talk about market cap, market value, or market valuation? Because this is the most fair assessment, based on the desire of the seller to sell and the desire of the buyer to buy this or that company on the free market.

When it comes to the market capitalization of a public company whose shares went public on the stock exchange and are now freely circulating on the open market, the market capitalization of a company is very simple to calculate - we need to multiply the number of shares of the company by the current market value of one share. The very value of a stock is constantly fluctuating and is the expression of the opinion of a huge number of buyers and sellers - this is how the opinion of a free competitive market is achieved.

If a company makes mistakes and things start to get worse, then the stock price drops and the market capitalization of the business falls. And vice versa, if a company makes the right decisions, develops, its revenues and profits grow steadily, then the market, and specifically people, private investors, investment funds and banks, evaluate this positively, they want to buy more shares of the company and the share price begins to grow - it grows and market capitalization of the business.

But there are many companies that do not have shares and are not publicly known on the open market or are little known. Is the term "market capitalization" applicable to such companies and can it be calculated?

Of course, it is applicable and of course it is possible. Any company has a market capitalization, regardless of size, only the principle of calculating capitalization, or value, is completely different. The market capitalization of such a company is usually calculated using one of the 2 most common methods:

  • By the current EBITDA of the company, multiplying it by the market multiplier. We take the company's EBITDA for the last reporting year or for the last 12 months and multiply by the benchmarking market multiplier;

For example, our retail network earned last year revenue of 100 million rubles, its EBITDA amounted to 15 million rubles. and we know that there were similar deals on the market with a multiplier of 10 – we multiply 15 million rubles. by 10 and get the primary market value of our network - 150 million rubles;

  • According to the financial model of the company, which calculates the future free annual cash flow company (net money that the business can receive in the foreseeable future).

We predict and prove to ourselves and the potential buyer that in the next 10 years we will receive a total of 150 million rubles. free (clean) money that can be painlessly withdrawn from the company - this will be its value or market capitalization.

I tried to explain the meaning of the term "capitalization" as clearly and effectively as possible. Of course, the world is much more complicated and in practice, when calculating the capitalization of a business, many more factors are taken into account, but in general, this is the approach.

Alexey Grebenyuk

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