
The winner of "Own Game" spoke about filming and participating in the program. Five ways to earn a million as a TV viewer How to become a participant in the game


Petersburger Stanislav Taratynov won 80 thousand rubles in the game “What? Where? When?". Because experts could not answer his question. Participation in TV games and quizzes attracts many, but only a few succeed in getting on TV, and only a tiny percentage of them can win. "City 812" figured out how and what games you can get.

To how to get on “What? Where? When?"

Stanislav Taratynov asked the connoisseurs: what are they talking about when they talk about the “queue”, “sausage” and “steam locomotive”, but this is not about the “sausage trains” of the 1980s. Connoisseurs could not understand that these are the names of gorosh figures that are not used now. Taratynov came up with the question while studying the city shield in the Peter and Paul Fortress. He wrote a question on a website on the Internet, he was chosen, Taratynov won 80 thousand rubles, but after deducting taxes, it turned out to be much less. Stanislav Taratynov is an experienced player in various games. But he says that seriously relying on this way of earning is not worth it.

Professional players - experts from the club "What? Where? When?" - also do not consider the game as a way to earn money. Connoisseur Mikhail Skipsky explains it this way: “There was a brilliant idea of ​​Vladimir Voroshilov to play what is in short supply. Books were in short supply in the 1980s. In the 90s - money. And now there is no such deficit. Therefore, only viewers receive money, and players play for fun. A cash prize is possible if the team wins the season, and then the best player is given 300 thousand rubles, and this amount is divided by six. For all equally, such is our condition. In principle, everyone can benefit financially from their fame, but as a teacher I am already satisfied with the fact that it is easier for me to organize all kinds of trips, games and festivals ... It is easier to negotiate when you are known and even respected in advance.

Queue in "What? Where? When?" long, it can stretch for 10 or more years. “I played first in the school club, then in the university, and only recently I waited - they took me to the television team,” says Skipsky. - Ten years - training three times a week. On the way to the Neskuchny Garden, you can flicker on the TV screen - though not ours - playing, for example, Brain Ring. Once this program was on Channel One, but then they stopped buying it. Too expensive. But there are such TV projects in Azerbaijan, Belarus: the games are held in Russian, and Russian teams willingly take part in them.”

Faster ways are for the lucky ones. So, in 2007, the MTS team was recruited - from the players who sent the correct answers by text message to a special short number. Two years ago, the Rosatom concern became the general sponsor of the program - and the Rosatom team appeared in the club. And a year ago, host Boris Kryuk announced the recruitment of working teams - so theoretically any team assembled from employees of a Russian enterprise can get into the club. But it’s not enough to get there, you still have to hold on.

You can find out the level of experts that you need to meet by coming to a training session at any of the clubs. I have been to the Kolomna club several times. Not a minute is given for discussion, but 30 seconds. In addition, to play in the television “What? Where? When?" You need a broad outlook, but not beyond. According to Mikhail Skipsky, the sports "ChGK" differs from the television one, like football from mini-football. In sports, questions are similar to equations, there you need to consistently find answers to several complex questions, and if all the answers are correct, a certain logical ring will close. The base of questions of the sports "ChGK" is available on the website http://db.chgk.info. And as for 30 seconds for discussion, this is done because: a) everything should be more difficult in training than in the game; b) adrenaline does not interfere with training, but it rages in front of the TV camera. If this invigorates ordinary athletes, then it interferes with intellectual ones: subcortical reflexes turn on, and logic fades into the background.

How to get into "My game"

In "Own Game" they played for money all the time, but in the 90s only those who took first place were eligible for payments. The record of the winner (Alexander Druz) - 120 thousand rubles per game - has been holding for 12 years.

Now, as Sergei Pekhletsky, editor of the TV show, told us, the rules have been softened: all players receive money, including those who take 2nd and 3rd places. For those who have gone negative, the balance is equal to zero. Participants receive the money they win immediately after the program goes on air, subject to a 13 percent tax. 13 percent - because they are issued as a fee, and not as winnings in a gambling game (the latter is subject to a 33 percent tax).

Filming takes place three times a year and is preceded by telephone and then face-to-face selection of participants. When it comes to the game, threes of players are formed only with an eye on appearance. The main condition is that the players do not have the same face, so they usually set to play tall with small, young with old. And the experience, profession and hometown of the player are not taken into account.

Once upon a time, a block of questions was a pass to “Own Game”: the scriptwriters did not have enough of them, and questions were accepted from the audience. Now everything is done by the editors. Potential players are required to: send an application and wait for a phone call.

It happened to me like this: they called two months after my letter. The phone tour consisted of 12 questions, 8 to answer. The questions were chosen in such a way that strong Internet search skills were useless - however, I did not try to use it.

Of the 12 questions, only 5 succumbed to me, so my telephone interlocutor politely said goodbye and advised me to try my luck next year. But something seemed to go wrong with their set, because two weeks later he called and said: let's try again. In "Own Game" there is an overabundance of men with higher technical education and from large cities. Therefore, for women, humanitarians and residents of the provinces, the requirements are lower. Let's say, for candidates from the first category, the pass qualification is at least 8-9 questions out of 12, and for others - at least 6. But again, nothing happened to me.

For those who successfully passed the telephone tour, the road to Moscow for filming is open - although there are also sometimes preliminary rounds there (you have to play two rounds, with the same button, but without spectators and other entourage). True, on this tour you can not even shine with knowledge - it is enough to demonstrate good playing qualities: wit, confidence, or at least excitement. Well, the ability to press the button. Inexperienced participants, having got to the "Own Game" for the first time, often lose because they do not have time to quickly press the button (in fact, there are two buttons, and you must press synchronously). Therefore, they manage to answer only the most difficult questions that competitors have not coped with.

How to get into Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

Everyone who wants to watch the game can participate in an SMS quiz with the opportunity to win 5,000 rubles. By the way, on the website of Channel One you can read a lot of indignant exclamations that the questions were written incorrectly. For those who are only interested in participating in the television version, there is a questionnaire on the site. This is now the only true way. We add that on numerous sites-double Channel One, a phone number has been published, which allegedly needs to be called in order to take part in a preliminary telephone tour: but by calling, you find yourself in the Telephone Prank Bureau, and 100 rubles are charged for the call.

"Who want to be a millionaire?" now 90 percent busy with VIP players, and mere mortals can try their luck by filling out a very detailed questionnaire (you will have to answer about your negative qualities, your dreams, theatrical preferences, etc.). This is the first step. The second - you need to record a video and demonstrate your exclusive talents in it. Directly not an intellectual quiz, but the “Weak” contest.

However, candidates had to fill out the same questionnaire (but without a video) before: after they had successfully passed the telephone tour. As I remember from my own experience, the phone tour was - in comparison with "Own game" - extremely easy, if only because it is easier to choose one of four answers than to come up with one, but your own. In 2005, I answered a dozen and a half questions in a row: the host on the other end of the wire later admitted that 7-8 would have been enough, but he kept waiting for at least one wrong answer. But in front of the TV cameras, the damned adrenaline did its job.

Now the need for a telephone tour has disappeared: apparently, the organizers of the program are afraid that the candidates will not play honestly, but with the help of Internet search engines. However, what does it matter if ordinary players are no longer allowed into the game, but home-grown, but stars are preferred. Even selection is now called casting.

How to get to the "Field of Miracles"

Here is a similar situation: it is no longer necessary to make a crossword puzzle, but you need to provide a detailed story about yourself, tell a few interesting cases from your life - preferably with the participation of some historical, famous people. Those who really have talent - shows tricks, does acrobatic numbers or sings - the chances are significantly higher than those of the compiler of a giant crossword puzzle. Unlike "KHSM", "Field of Wonders" is still widely open to citizens who do not use the Internet. Residents of remote provinces are especially welcome, but it is not so easy for them to shell out 20-40 thousand rubles for a plane ticket. We have to look for a sponsor with a promise to thank him on the air. And it's not a joke.

I have a friend from Barnaul who played in the "Field of Miracles" a few years ago, as a student of the Altai technical university. She made a crossword puzzle dedicated to Vasily Shukshin. The student did not have money for a flight, so her native university helped her, but provided her with a souvenir album about the university with a promise to transfer it to the Fields of Wonders museum. And of course - to tell along the way, what a good institution it is. But at the game, the student simply didn’t get the move

What do you need to do to participate in the game?

1. Complete the registration procedure (no more difficult than on any other site)

1.1. Click the button REGISTRATION.

1.2. Fill in all required fields.

1.3. If you do not want the information to be available for viewing, uncheck the appropriate boxes

When editing an already created account.

1.4. Repeat the registration procedure for each team member.

2. Create your own team or join an existing one.

2.2. On the right, in the user panel, press the button MY TEAM .

2.4. Invite users to your team (attention! to take part in a team game, you need to have at least 2 players in the team; otherwise, the team will not be able to enter the game):

Click the button Control top left to access all items:

2.4.2. Specify the LOGIN (NIC) of the invited user.

2.4.3. After that, the invited users must agree with the invitation (to do this, log in under the nickname of the invited user, click the MY TEAM button and agree with the invitation, see the picture above).

3. Apply for a game.

3.3. Agree (click the "Yes" button).

4. Show up for the pregame briefing.

4.1. The time and location of the briefing can be found in the announcement of the specific game.

4.2. Turn in the completed waver - (list of team players) - the organizers will issue it before the game!

5. How to start playing?

Detailed game manual - DOC or PDF

5.1. Go to website or crux.en.cx(information about the game can be found in the calendar, where the specific site will be indicated).

5.4 15 minutes before the start of the game, a button will appear on the main page below the game announcement. GAME LOGIN. Feel free to press it to get a task that will be available to all active team members.

6. How to enter the received code from the passable level?

6.1. You must enter the received code in the "ANSWER" field (the "ANSWER" field is located to the left of the task or above in the mobile version).

6.2. The countdown to the hint starts at the top.

6.3. If the code is correct, then you will automatically receive the second/next task.

6.4. If at the time of the game there was a failure or you left the site, then after re-authorization you automatically get to the level that you pass.

7. In case of difficulties during the game or a force majeure situation, contact the organizers or authors of a particular game,

whose contacts will be indicated in the announcement.

Detailed rules of the Encounter game can be found at: Rules

On the TV show "What? Where? When?" can be quite simple: you need to become the author of an interesting question that will not only get on the gaming table, but will also be honored to be marked by the players and all the spectators present. Such questions are not only valued by large cash prizes, but also receive a special invitation from their authors to the game taking place in Moscow or other cities of our country.

Since 1990, the game has been invariably held in the Neskuchny Garden in the Hunting Lodge (Moscow)

Among other things, you can become the owner of either a special invitation to the central studio or clubs that host games with the participation of famous people. You can win it back by becoming a member of a specialized forum, which, by the way, the game “What? Where? When? ”, which has been held 17 times a year since 1975. This is a real chance to become part of the crowd, to see yourself as part of the broadcasts conducted by Channel One and personally enjoy the game of famous intellectual stars. The main moderator of the forum is the direct director of the program - Boris Kryuk, who tries to answer questions from fans and fans of the game.

Become an expert

In the intellectual club, completely new teams are traditionally created. However, if it was possible to become a member of the newly formed team only by sending an interested application to the club's editors, today the selection is much tougher. It is not enough to become the winner of local, district and inter-district competitions, it is important to successfully catch the eye of television producers, gain popularity, become a real celebrity. To do this, you need to go through the qualifying round of the “Brain Ring” of the show and, at least, shine on several of its shootings, after which the probability of getting into an elite club turns from negligible into small, but still there is a place to be.

Special tournaments, which are held among TV viewers, who for several seasons have won points from active players thanks to their interesting questions, are also becoming a forge of connoisseurs. You can get to such a tournament at the invitation of B. Kryuk, who is present at the final games.

The first game, which was staged as a family show, was hosted not by V. Voroshilov, but by the famous A. Maslyakov.

For those to whom this path may seem difficult and exhausting, the Internet community offers a lot of sites that conduct online battles, this is a great chance to prove yourself and let yourself be on a par with such eminent connoisseurs as Druz or Blinov, amuse pride and once again wipe the nose of weak opponents.

Your Game. So, I passed the telephone selection and was invited to Moscow for an in-person selection. Yes, they tell in detail which station to go to, what kind of gazelle will be met there and what time you have to be there. They even warn that it is better to be there 10 minutes before the appointed time. And the gazelle, delivering from the Krylatskoye station to the place, really leaves exactly at the appointed time. From here, the first conclusion for me was - being late for 2 minutes means being late for this gazelle and you have to wait for the next one. And so it happened.
Speaking in order, then 50 minutes before 16.30 - the time for which I signed up when communicating with the editors by phone - I was in the center of Moscow, on the Lubyanka. Well, and, of course, I did not have time and literally for 2 minutes. In general, you certainly have to blame yourself - I left little time to get to the place, but it is far from the center. Moreover, in metro trains and at stations, information about metro lines is old, 2003, or even older. The metro lines there, of course, are often out of date, and what is marked on the map as stations under construction has long been functioning. This information let me down: I made extra transfers, and even to the branch on which there are more stops, well, I lost precious time on crossings and extra stations ...
It is impossible to get to the place where the studio's office is located and the selection process takes place on your own! By the way, we drove for about 20 minutes. The building is located on the territory of the golf club, you can’t enter it without a pass. And from the entrance, if you stomp on foot, it will be far away, and it’s impossible to understand that there is a studio in this building. No plaques, no signs. Why, even having risen to the 3rd floor, it is impossible to understand where to go. True, Sergey Dubov, one of the editors, met me there and escorted me to a huge office at the end of the corridor to the right. Again, this cabinet is not marked in any way.
Since I was late, and in fact arrived already at the next 5-hour gazelle, both the players and the editors were waiting for me. I simply did not have time to study and consider something. I was quickly seated at a table with buttons and questionnaires. Gave once to make a false start and press on time. They showed a lantern by which you need to navigate, that you can press the button. Well, having made sure that I was watching My Game, they didn’t explain anything else. So it turned out "from the ship to the ball."
My opponents at the selection were a guy from Kazan (Ilya), about my age and a man, as it seemed to me, from Moscow (Sergey). There were also editors who asked/helped keep score and ask questions: the already mentioned Sergey Dubov (he periodically passed the order of choosing a question and commented a little between rounds on our game), Ilya Ber (who asked questions), Olga Khvorova (who was in charge of the monitor with questions) and more someone who was responsible for the monitor with the score and the ignition of the signal lamp (unfortunately, he did not really see what kind of man he was).
If we describe how the room where we played looked like, then we can say that it was a very large room, where in the far corner there is a gamer's table, and in front of 3 tables: a table with a 21 ”LCD monitor where questions are shown. One to one picture, like on a big TV screen. He was to my right and was closest to the player's table. On the left was a table on which there was a similar monitor displaying the score of the game, and a lamp was attached to the same table, which was turned on as a signal that you could press a button and give an answer to a question. The buttons, by the way, are not at all like on the PUIBR. Very small, 7-8 millimeters in diameter. On a huge parallelipiped stand. It's not very comfortable to hold, so I just put it on the table and put my finger on the button. The system was complemented by large lanterns on the tables opposite each player. Such ala old, police, plastic. And in the stand under the lantern there is a small hole. I personally have a light bulb signaling that it was I who won the button - I saw it through the hole. A false start, to be honest, I don’t remember what it looked like to me. I had at least one. But I did not notice any signal about him. Maybe just in the heat of the game. Ber and Dubov, who were to my left, completed the game environment. Behr was sitting in front of a big box of questions. The cards were arranged by topic. Ber read them quite quickly, distinctly, confidently and clearly. Yes, Molchanov, the editor-in-chief and the ideological inspirer of the game, came to see our first round. He sat behind Behr, a little to the left. Since we played frankly badly, after the first round, and maybe even earlier, he got up and left. To be honest, I did not notice the moment of its release.
Actually the game itself lasted 2 rounds for us. It immediately became clear that glasses, if vision fails, are necessary. Everyone was surprised by Sergey, who did not even see the names of the topics properly and at the same time did not have glasses at all! Tried to move the monitor a little bit, but I think since they didn't move it that much, it didn't help him much.
We played worse than ever in the first round. They took few questions, questions for 500, as it seems to me, they didn’t take a single one at all, well, or 1 at the most. I have to admit that there were many questions about which I can only say one thing - I had no idea. I played a question-auction, for 100. I lost myself. Here, by the way, it is necessary to highlight an important difference between the selection and the real game. And at auctions and on cats. Before announcing the correct answer, the editors ask all players about their answer choice. Collect information about the knowledge base, probably. Summarizing the first round, one can cite the remark and thoughts that Ber expressed: “The base is small. Knowledge is clearly lacking. Sergei generally dropped out of the game. Pressing the button, he fell into a stupor for a long time, was silent. There was a feeling that he was not from this dimension. If we answer so little, then we may not finish the second round, why suffer.” The editors sitting nearby nodded in unison, yes. Olga, in general, expressed the idea that the second round could not be started. During the first, she often rolled her eyes when none of the players pressed the button, and in the end, Ilya himself gave the correct answer. Probably, I thought, some illiterate people.
There was no break between rounds. The editors raised their opinions and we started playing again.

The second round I started with 0 and was in last place after an unsuccessful auction. We played it much better than the first one. Questions that did not have an answer at all were noticeably rarer. Maybe it's the themes, maybe something else - I don't know. Although all the same, there were sometimes such questions that we were all silent, and Ilya, announcing the answer, said that it would be necessary to know. But in general, the picture of our game was "less sad." In fact, only Ilya and I fought. Sergei clearly lacked knowledge even at our low level, and he was practically silent in the second round. He answered rarely and mostly made mistakes, finished in the red. Ilya scored 2300 in the end, I scored 3200. It was in the second round of question 4, probably where I, knowing the answer, but remembering the “difficulty” of the questions for me in the 1st round, was afraid to take risks. I took risks on the cheap ones, but, however, both times I was too clever and gave a more complex and incorrect version ... In general, it seemed that in the second round questions of even the highest category of complexity were easier. It's probably the themes.
If we talk about the button, then for me the situation was usually such that I either knew the answer, pressed the button and won. The truth is I don’t know if my rivals pressed. I didn't always see movements on Ilya's button, because I followed the signal. And on the last question, for 200, I definitely lost the button to him. As it turned out, and not scary, I foolishly had a completely wrong answer in my head.
Summing up the selection, the editors did not particularly soften the conclusions made after the first round. They said that put us with a more or less strong player, and he will simply beat us in one wicket. That we stupidly do not have enough base. This is a matter of life. With the button and the game as a whole is normal. True, Sergei, of course, was told that this was not his game. But from time to time they told him about it during the tours, when he hung on the next question. Of course, the editors are polite people, and everyone spoke quite softly and cultured. In the end, they simply announced that if they didn’t call before April 25, then they decided not to call for the next May shooting. Maybe later they will call, so you need to track the information on the forum and on the site. I immediately rushed to fill out the questionnaire, because it was already necessary to give way to new players who came to the selection and return to the city. And of course we were all photographed. Everyone is photographed, even if they say that the base is not enough. Just in case, apparently.
Well, the same gazelle brought us back to the Krylatskoye metro station.
Yes, to deduce as a reason that I played poorly because I didn’t sleep enough and got up early is stupid. Yes, there were probably a couple of questions, for quick wit, where I just slowed down, and a fresh head could help. But, usually, these questions were not taken by rivals either. That is, when most of the questions are not taken, because you don’t know at all what it is about and how it will come up, then blaming a stale head is ridiculous. But to get a good night's sleep, and maybe come the day before the preselection, it's probably worth it. At least there are also logical questions, and then there will be more chances to take them.

| 03.06.2013

Protect money from inflation, increase savings, protect capital from changes in exchange rates. All this can be done with the help of exchange trading.

Related materials:

In accordance with Russian law, only legal entities that have the necessary licenses and meet strict rules can trade directly on the exchange.

Individuals themselves cannot trade on the stock exchange. To do this, they need to seek help from intermediaries - brokerage companies.

Choosing a brokerage company Reliability

First of all, you need to make sure that the company with which you want to conclude an agreement really has the right to engage in brokerage activities.

On the broker's website, you need to find the coordinates - the name of the broker company, its address, and most importantly - the license number for brokerage activities.

Then you need to go to the website of the Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS) and find a list of brokers licensed by the FFMS to carry out brokerage activities. To date, there are 1,144 organizations on this list.

First of all, you need to check the level of reliability of the broker. According to Russian law, even if a broker goes bankrupt, clients' money is not lost. But the procedures for the payment of funds take a certain time and this is at least inconvenient.

Federal Law "On the market valuable papers", Art. 3 p. 3. On cash clients who are on a special brokerage account (accounts) cannot be levied on the obligations of the broker.

Therefore, it is worth limiting the list of possible brokers to those that have high reliability ratings.

The most reliable and large brokers are subsidiaries of banks or management companies.

Choosing a brokerage company Terms and rates

Having decided on the companies that are of interest to you, you should pay attention to the conditions and convenience of working with them.

Brokers may differ in service rates.

You need to decide how often you want to trade in the stock market. For novice investors, it is recommended to start with a small number of transactions. Thus, it is worth looking for the minimum rates for a small number of transactions. Usually brokers provide better rates for those who trade a lot and often, so if your trading style changes over time, you can switch to a better rate.

If it is important for you to frequently withdraw earned money from the exchange, then you may like brokers - subsidiaries of banks. With such brokers, the withdrawal of money from the exchange to a regular bank account is usually carried out without commissions and as soon as possible.

In order to buy or sell something on the stock exchange, you need to give an order about this to your broker. This can be done over the phone, in person at the office, or online. Of course, it is most convenient to submit applications via the Internet. Brokers provide their clients with a special computer terminal program that allows them to monitor price changes and give orders to buy or sell.

The capabilities of different terminals are slightly different, but the main thing that can be the difference is in the speed of communication between the terminal and the broker. In fact, an order to buy or sell that is not given in time can lead to losses.

To test the convenience of working with a broker in practice, you can use the “demo account” service.

Almost all brokers for promotional purposes provide everyone with a so-called “demo account”, when a client can try working with a broker on fake, play money. This allows you to familiarize yourself with and get used to the terminal, to work out the necessary trading operations without risking a penny.

Having chosen a broker, you need to come to the branch of the brokerage firm with a passport and conclude an agreement for brokerage services. After the conclusion of the contract, you will be given the details of your brokerage account, to which you will need to transfer the funds that you want to place on the exchange. You will also be given a unique username and password for the trading terminal.

After transferring money to the broker's account, you can download from the broker's website from home and install the terminal program on your computer if you have not done this before to work on a demo account.

From now on, you have all the possibilities for trading on the stock exchange.

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